"I AM that I AM"
God reveals Himself to us through many different names in the Bible. No single name can describe all Who God is,
and all that God is. In fact, God uses each and every one of His names to reveal a different part of His character to us.
"Abba" is the Aramaic word meaning "Daddy" or "Father." It's a term of warm affection, intimacy, and respect for one's father.
Lord Master
When you call God Adonai, you are acknowledging both His leadership and His ownership as your Lord, Master, and Ruler.
The Beginning and End
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Omega is the last. If Jesus was speaking to an English audience, He would say, "I am A and Z."
The Ancient of Days
"...declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done...".
The Anointed One
Jesus is God in human flesh. He is fully man and fully Messiah at the same time. Jesus is His human name and Christ, which means Messiah (the Anointed One), is His divine title.
Living God
God is the Living God. He is very real and all powerful. He is not made with wood or stone that cannot speak, save, deliver or needs to be carried around. He speaks mainly through His Word (the Bible).
The God Who Formed and Gave You Birth
God made you for a purpose and He's been taking care of you ever since.
The God of Knowledge
He inhabits eternity, is everywhere at the same time (omnipresent) and knows everything (omniscient).
The God Most High
El Elyon speaks of the supremacy of God. He is the strongest of the strong and the highest of the high, He is above all.
The Mighty God
Who commands the weather as He calms the storm, dominates physical elements turning water into wine, heals diseases of the body and mind, casts out demons of hell, and raises the dead.
The Everlasting God
God transcends culture. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
The God Who Sees
God sees you right now and knows your very thoughts. His eye is on the sparrow and He watches you.
God Almighty
God keeps and fulfills His promises.
The Creator
"Thus saith God the Lord, He that created the heavens, and stretched them out; He that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; He that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein..." Isaiah 42:5
Jehovah (Yahweh)
The Self-Existent One
He is the One who never came into being, but always existed and always will exist. Not only does this Name speak of God's strength, but also of His sovereignty and goodness.
The Lord Our Provider
The Lord’s eternal grace, continual provision, and all-encompassing wisdom.
The Lord Who Sanctifies
This name for God describes who He is (holy) and what He does (makes us holy). His purpose for you, His priority, is holiness. This is more than moral purity; it’s being set apart only for God.
The Lord Our Banner
The Lord is a reigning banner over us all the time. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, then shall the Lord hold up a banner before him. The victory in all of life is the Lord's.
The Lord Our Healer
The Almighty Lord is our healer. He can heal instantaneously by a miracle or heal over time through medicine.
The Anointed One
Deliverer from sin and its curse, Don't focus on what you want Him to do for you today and forget what He came to do for you eternally!
The Lord Our Shepherd
As the Good Shepherd, He dealt with the penalty of sin. As the Great Shepherd, He deals with the power of sin. As the Chief Shepherd, He's coming to take us from the very presence of sin.
The Lord of Hosts
Commander of all the angels that excel in strength, and do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His Word.
The Lord is Peace
When your heart is consumed with the grace of God, you are content and at peace.
The Lord is There
God is like a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. There is not a murmur, He doesn't hear, a movement He doesn't see, or a motive He doesn't know. Neither can distance, darkness or death hide us.
The Lord Our Righteousness
We are not righteous in and of ourselves. Our righteousness comes from God and God alone. Jesus imputes His righteousness into us so that we can see God.
The Lord Our Rock
He is permanent, faithful, and protective. God is the firm foundation for your life, your hiding place in trouble, your shelter in the storm.
The Lord Our Friend
He that loves pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.
The Word
Jesus is the fulfillment of the words of prophecy written in the Old Testament, the Word made flesh in the New Testament, the Word of hope for all who believe in His Second Coming, and the eternal Word securing the promise of Heaven. Seek Him in His Word, the Bible; you will find Him to be the truth.
Our Dwelling Place
Whether you are homeless or live in a mansion, you are always at home with the living God.
Jesus Christ
"The Lord Saves!"