The Great Commission
The Great Commission is the foundation for evangelism and cross-cultural missions work in Christian theology.
The Great Commission appears in Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15–18; and Acts 1:8.
Springing from the heart of God, the Great Commission calls Christ's disciples to carry out the work God started by sending His Son into the world to die for lost sinners.
The time is short and more people need to be reached with the Gospel of the Kingdom. However, many do not believe in God, and many Christians have even fallen away as the Bible predicted. (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
Entertainment has now replaced revelation to the point that unless people can see it on their phones or TVs or a movie screen, they most likely will not read a book, let alone a Bible or even go to church.
That's where Revelation Theater comes in! In the mid-80s God gave Jennipher Williams a vision to share His love through movies and stage. He said "Many will not go to church but they will go to a movie or to a theater. I want to meet them where they are."
Because souls are at stake, Revelation Theater seeks intercessors and prayer warriors to cover this faith-based theatrical platform as she and her team do Kingdom business fulfilling the Great Commission. It also needs financial partners to keep this website hosted annually.